Austin, TX

A man riding a jetski across the water

In the fall of 2017, my friend Juan Moreno and I took a road trip to Austin, TX to visit our friend Andrew. I was excited to use my recently-aquired Sony A7R II to shoot photos, and took as many as I could. While we were there, we met up with a few of Juan's friends and spent the day taking photos in downtown Austin. I had a blast on this trip and look back fondly upon the time in which I finally began to hone my photography style.

A woman looking over her shoulder at the camera, in front of a wall of ferns
Sony A7R II - 47mm f/4.5 1/250
The grille and headlight of a red classic car in a parking space downtown
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/3.5 1/8000
The dashboard of a red classic car, taken through the window at an angle
Sony A7R II - 32mm f/4 1/8000
The taillight and rear bumper of a red classic car from a low angle
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/3.5 1/8000
The front fender of a white classic car
Sony A7R II - 33mm f/5.6 1/160
The dasbhoard of a white classic car, taken through the window
Sony A7R II - 42mm f/5.6 1/160
A sign on the Austin Motel that says 'Let Love In'
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/4.5 1/640
A latte sitting on a wooden table with a milk heart
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/4 1/320
Round stones underwater, with an interesting glare
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/3.5 1/50
A modern glass and metal skyscraper, rotated 90 degrees
Sony A7R II - 28mm f/3.5 1/500
A man riding a red jetski across the water, with a very long wake
Sony A7R II - 70mm f/5.6 1/1000